Birds make up the majority of the animal population in a city setting. Preventive measures are constantly deployed by the local governing body, but they have seen limited success. The most common things victimized by these birds are residential buildings, commercial complexes, old buildings, historic heritage sites, shopping centres and even malls. Along with the physical damage caused by these birds, there are other damages caused as well. These include noise pollution, disgusting smell, diseases, horrible to look at and even destruction of stored food.
Open spaces like the roof, balconies, air ducts, open windows serve as the entry point into our homes and other buildings for these creatures. They make our homes their homes by entering through small open spaces, open windows, air ducts, balconies and other open spaces. The invasion of our spaces by these birds is to find a suitable and safe spot to build their nest, lay eggs and raise their young. Once a safe spot is chosen by the bird, a great amount of effort and time is spent in finding the right materials to build their nests. The most common way to find these materials by the destruction of their surroundings. This results in a great deal of physical damage. The usual targets are roof tiles, concrete, wires or cables, insulators and any sort of fabrics. Birds usually steal clothes left out to dry in an effort to build a comfortable nest to lay the eggs and raise their young.
Living in a large city like Hyderabad has made gardens just a figment of our imagination. Apartment buildings are the talk of the town. Being a working professional, you enjoy spending time in your garden which is your balcony, as you live in a building with 15 floors. You enjoy drinking your evening tea in your balcony garden watching your kids play and admiring your potted plants.
The solution is bird netting. Once installed, bird netting completely cuts off the access into the building for these birds. Once the access is cut off, infestation is prevented and our assets are protected from destruction.
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